Is This The Millennium Falcon From The Force Awakens?

[Update] Sources via Star Wars Underground are now reporting that the recently leaked Millennium Falcon teaser is a fake according to people inside Lucasfilm who further confirm that the trailer remains unfinished.

[Original Story] One of the most iconic ships in sci-fi may have just taken a jump to hyperspace and into the rumor mill that is the seventh episode of the Star Wars speculation saga.

In what one Star Wars fan site – Making Star Wars – is calling the very first footage from the much anticipated 2015 film, Han Solo’s legendary ship, the Millennium Falcon, can be seen flying around the place and shooting lasers. Generally, some typical Star Wars fanfare. Check out the gif below and see for yourself.

‘Round and ’round she goes, where this rumor goes, nobody knows!

The gif in question lines up with multiple rumors that have made the Kessell run since there was word that Star Wars film composer, John Williams, was headed off to England to record the trailer (and the film’s) score sometime this month. Rumors say that the trailer may be out as early as the Thanksgiving weekend in select theaters, according to such sources as Slash Film.

Moreover, others such as Badass Digest have claimed that the outline for the trailer itself would include a snapshot of each of our three main heroes (Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia) played by Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher, respectively, as well as a nice epilogue with the Millennium Falcon soaring overhead firing at…something.

Normally rumors such as this would merely fall by the wayside of the Internet’s deepest, darkest corners. In this instance, it’s hard to ignore such authentic looking – if not heavily CGI-ish evidence. Case in point, Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘s trailer is rolling around one of these days, but how soon it really will be, with or without the Falcon, is to be determined by forces far bigger than the fans. It’s also worth noting that the radar dish on the Falcon is rather rectangular compared to its movie counterpart.

The Millennium Falcon, as it appears in Star Wars: The Original Trilogy

Tell us: What do you think of the gif above compared to the real thing? Real, or fake?


Via, Slash Film, & Badass Digest

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