Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Closed Beta Available for Registration

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

EA has just released a Mirror’s Edge Catalyst closed beta for players who want to get their hands on the game early and provide feedback on the parkour-centric title. The game is set to be released on May 24, 2016, but players can get an advanced look at the game if they register now. Signing up, however, does not guarantee beta access. The beta is available for PS4, Xbox One and Origin users.

Required to sign up is an EA account, but also a persistent internet connection. Those who are wondering whether progress will transfer from the beta to the final game are out of luck as the terms and conditions specifically state otherwise. Anything that seems to have any value to it like achievements, character data or gameplay progress will be wiped after the beta.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was announced back in 2013 at EA’s E3 press conference. The title acts as a reboot to 2008’s Mirror’s Edge and will explore the main character, Faith, and her origin story. Originally set to come out on February 23, 2016, DICE needed the game to be pushed back to May 24th so that they could refine some of the traversal gameplay – a key element of the Mirror’s Edge experience.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will launch on PS4, Xbox One and PC on May 24th, 2016.

Source: Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Beta


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