Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Trailer Explains ‘Why We Run’

“Enjoy your freedom.” Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches soon, and EA has released a new trailer that explains just why you should enjoy that freedom. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, Faith really likes running and the above trailer showcases that fact in spades. However, this trailer also highlights more of the story behind Faith and why she does run so much.

Why is Faith willing to sacrifice herself for Kruger? What happened to Faith as a child to make her the way she is? These seem like questions the game will answer at some point when it releases next month, but until then, this trailer shows the game’s very smooth running and parkour. All the more exciting because it is set to the most over-the-top, dramatic music ever conceived for a game trailer.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst releases on June 9th, 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. It is the long-awaited sequel to 2008’s Mirror’s Edge. Running on the Frostbite engine, the game is being developed by DICE, who previously worked on Battlefield 3 and 4, and Star Wars Battlefront. The company also worked on the original Mirror’s Edge, which has gained a massive cult following since its release.

Source: Official EA UK YouTube

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