Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Trailer Explains Who Exactly Is Faith

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Story Trailer – I Am Faith

Teased a week ago, EA promised something special for Mirror’s Edge fans and they delivered. Having already released a gameplay trailer, and just announcing a closed beta, they have revealed a new trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst that showcases the narrative for the highly anticipated reboot of the 2008 parkour game. The new trailer goes over the fundamentals of the story, but also highlights some new characters that will cross paths with Faith during her adventure through the city of Glass.

Captured in-engine, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is setting up to be a conspiracy-heavy science fiction experience that falls right in line with the previous game’s themes and story. We are quickly introduced to Gabriel Kruger and the Conglomerate, an oppressive organization that players will have to contend with as Faith. It also shows a lot of the carefree attitude that Faith will begin with in the game and how her experience with the Conglomerate will force her to grow not only for herself, but also for the city of Glass.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be released on May 24th, 2016 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Beta sign-ups have already begun for the closed beta of the game.

Source: Mirror’s Edge Catalyst YouTube

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