Modern Warefare 3 Hacked

Modern Warfare 3 Hacked

Despite all the lengths Infinity Ward took to keep out hackers of Modern Warfare 3 (they even flew in some hackers as consultants on how to keep hackers out), the game has been hacked.

Below are some videos of various hacks. In the videos you will see users on the Xbox 360 using hacks that allow a walking AC-130, infinite ammo, super speed, and an all around God-mode.

Hopefully Infinity Ward cleans up the hacks quickly and bans offending players. Infinity Ward outlined their strict banning policy so we can be sure that these select few players will find themselves banned before too long.

If Infinity Ward is unable to find a solution for the hacks soon, will you move on to a different game, or stay faithful to Modern Warfare 3?

Modern Warefare 3 hacks

AC-130 Glitch

[Via Gamesta]

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