Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Demo Giveaway- Closed

Aloha everyone!! Here at BagoGames we are giving away 4 codes for the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Demo. This demo is only available to those who have a 3DS from the United States and has no limit on the number of play sessions.

In this demo you can play as either a beginner hunter or an advanced one. There are three quests to play through as many times as you like and each of the 14 weapons are available to pick from. There are three modes of play: solo, local (play with others next to you who also have this demo) and online.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is set to be released on February 13, 2015.

The giveaway ends on January 20 and the winners will be notified through email or from the social site you choose to enter the contest with.

Scroll down and click the link to enter the contest. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hunting!



Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate 3DS Demo Code

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