Nathan Drake Gets His Close-Up in Uncharted 4

Amidst celebrating its 30th anniversary with an art show at the Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, CA, Naughty Dog has shown us the latest face-to-face screenshot of Nathan Drake’s latest look up close and personal.

Though it unfortunately mirrors a bit of the background, the pic’s more than good enough to showcase every bit of Nate’s manly stubble and perfect (if not a slightly grungy) GQ hair.

The shot below is as it appears at the art gallery below:

For a brieft nostalgia trip, you can compare Drake’s 1080p mug to the last-gen ones below. The Internet’s resident Firefly fans cite some Nathan Fillion creeping into drake’s eyes according to recent rumblings across forums. Ya think?

Details are scant about Uncharted 4 thus far, but short of last year’s teaser and this past E3’s trailer announcement, one thing’s certain: Drake needs some shampoo.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End releases sometime in 2015 only for the Playstation 4.


Via kurtmargenau on Twitter

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