Need for Speed Customization is Meticulous and Robust

Need for Speed

Need for Speed Underground‘s tuner culture allowed for some really in-depth customization to the player’s car. It looks like the new Need for Speed is evoking that same feeling of control with an even more robust editor that will allow players to tune everything from car parts to decals. The trailer above showcases just how deep the customization system goes, with some slick menus and typical Need for Speed voice-over.

This is the kind of customization that car fans will love. Being able to increase and decrease tire pressure in order to create better handling on a car, or going through the various engines to decide which one will get you top speeds quick enough. The meticulous nature of the tuning is great and what makes it better is that it doesn’t seem too cumbersome. Changing something for aesthetics is one thing, but tuning tire pressure is something completely niche that a lot of players probably won’t bother with unless the game makes it a compelling option.

We’ll see how much the tuning and customization makes a difference when Need for Speed releases on November 3rd, 2015 for PS4 and Xbox One, and in Spring 2016 for PC.

Source: Need For Speed YouTube

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