New Ash of Gods Trailer Proves the Value and Importance of Choice

As time goes on, we see more RPG titles that showcase the value of choice. Games like The Witcher series, The Banner Saga, and other titles have challenged players by giving them consequences for their choices. With Ash of Gods, the developers at Aurum Dust have taken this a step further, creating a narrative where choices matter, and can even lead to the death of main characters.

With their latest story trailer, Aurum Dust showcases how in Ash of Gods: Redemption, the once peaceful world of Terminum is affected by the “Great Reaping.” This sets the stage for the beginning of your adventure, a journey which changes depending on your choices. In Ash of Gods, you and a small band of adventurers set out to stop the wave of darkness that sweeps through the once-peaceful land.

In this adventure, however, sacrifices must be made, and you will be faced with choices that can affect whether your heroes live or die.

Here is what the writer of Ash of Gods: Redemption, Sergey Malitsky had to say about the inspiration behind the game.

Imagine a fairy tale, a book, or a movie in which you not only follow the adventures of your hero, but also open all its secret rooms, pulling all the skeletons out of everyone’s closets, and discovering tales that were best untold…

Not only can you save your heroes from unnecessary risks or undesirable actions, but your actions can likewise plunge them into danger and terrible twists of fate. This is a game in which you can play and live, but understand that your tale develops according to the laws of the real world. And this means that even if a happy ending is in sight, it is not guaranteed.”

Ash of Gods: Redemption is set to release in March 2018, check out the story trailer above for more information on this new tactical-RPG. We will definitely be keeping an eye on this one as it gets closer to release.

Source: Reverb Communications Press Release

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