Hearthstone: The Curse of Naxxramas Coming This Summer

Blizzard has announced at PAX their Hearthstone’s expansion, The Curse of Naxxramas, will be available this summer. You must play through five separate wings within the dungeon. A new wing will be released once a week and will feature menacing bosses to fight. Plus there are going to be new cards to earn and aid you on your journey through the World of Warcraft’s famous Naxxramas.

The first wing is completely free. However, all other wings will cost in-game gold or real money. There is a grand total of 30 cards to collect from The Curse of Nazzramas expansion that become part of your permanent collection and can be used in either Play or Practice modes. Hearthstone players know what that means…. new cards for ranked matches!!!

The Curse of Nazzramas will include challenges made for individual classes. Its now time to prepare yourselves for this expansion. A trick to obtaining in-game gold for free is to complete the weekly challenges and to use the gold earned from the challenges to play in the Arena. Playing in the Arena leaves you with packs and more gold. Start drafting decks in the Arena in the upcoming months and save up your gold. The Curse of Naxxramas is almost upon us!

Via Gamespot

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