Nintendo Creating Single Account System for WiiU and 3DS

There have been few implementations of multiplayer connectivity so poor, in the last few years, than DS and Wii friend codes.  For those fortunate enough to never have dealt with them, it would require a different code to be sent to your friends for each game you wanted to play together.  It’s pretty easy to see how this abysmal attempt at a multiplayer network would be disliked by many.

Well, Nintendo is now pulling their heads out of….the sand, to bring a ‘unified account system’ that will allow players to only have to use one account across the 3DS and WiiU networks as just about every other gaming network has done in the past decade or so.  This addition, if implemented properly should help Nintendo catch up with its competitors in the multiplayer arena.  I’m sure many Nintendo fans are hoping that that is the case.


(Via Destructoid)

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