Nintendo Has A New President: Tatsumi Kimishima

Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda have been in charge of Nintendo since the passing of Satoru Iwata. Many gamers have been wondering who it is that will shoulder the company and run it in Iwata’s place. Now after several months, that question has finally been answered.

Tatsumi Kimishima will be taking over as president of the company, that Mario helped make popular. Kimishima has been a long time Nintendo employee and his resume includes some very prestigious jobs; President of the Pokémon company, President of Nintendo America for five years, and the Managing Director of Nintendo Co. Ltd.

What does this mean for Nintendo? Will we see a departure from Iwata’s Nintendo or will Kimishima carry his torch? Only time will tell, but we at Bagogames are excited to see where he takes the company.


Via Nintendo (Press Release)

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