Nintendo Wins Patent Case

Nintendo has announced their second Wii U and 3DS patent case win against Technology Properties Limited LLC, Phoenix Digital Solutions LLC and Patriot Scientific Corporation, on November 13 in the California federal court.

The patent case began in July 2012 when plaintiffs for the patent-licensing company sued Nintendo in the California federal court and in the International Trade Commission. Nintendo’s first win came “in February 2014, when the ITC held that Nintendo did not infringe the asserted patent.”

The plaintiffs persisted to litigate their patent claims before the California federal court and have now lost to Nintendo.

Ajay Singh, Nintendo of America’s Director of Litigation and Compliance is pleased with this decision as it “confirms that Nintendo continues to develop unique and innovative products while respecting the intellectual property rights of others. Nintendo will defend its products and its innovations, even if it must do so multiple times in different places and over many years.”

Source: Nintendo Press Release


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