Nordic Games May Resurrect Destroy All Humans!


Nordic Games’ executive director and product development director, Reinhard Pollice, tweeted out some hope for Destroy All Humans! fans. A Twitter follower of his unsuspectingly posed a question based on the franchise and Pollice said that the company is looking into options of bringing the series back. They may even begin work on the title soon.

This is great news as I loved these games when they came out and am possibly one of the only people that owns all four. I fell in love with this series back in 2005 when it was released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, and have been a fan ever since. In the game you play as Crypto, a grey alien that is looking for a downed companion on Earth. The game is full of humor, satire and a Jack Nicholson impersonator. I kid you not, Crypto sounds almost exactly like the famed actor.

Back in 2013, Nordic Games won the rights to Destroy All Humans! when THQ had put them up for auction. They acquired quite a few franchises with that deal, one of them being Darksiders, which allowed us to have the Deathinitive Edition from last year. Hopefully during E3 this year Nordic Games will shed some light on their plans for these classic IPs.

Source: Twitter

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