NPD Discovers That 72% Of US Gamers Play Online

Interesting stats are the order of the day today after The NPD Group has revealed that 72% of gamers in the US play videogames online, an increase of 5% since 2012.

In addition to this huge chunk of the gaming population now linked together at the touch of the button, the group also found that gamers favorite ‘console’ to go online with was the PC, with 68% of US gamers saying that they play online through the device. The study also found a 12% increase in online gaming year-over-year for mobile devices.

And do you want more ammunition for the next time you’re in an internet forum and you’re faced against those users who believe that digital copies of games is the future and everyone who doesn’t embrace it right now are idiots? Well the survey found that 62% of US Gamers prefer purchasing a game in physical format where both price and availability were consistent. So you might just have a case to argue with there!

[Source: GameSpot]

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