Official Wipeout Twitter Feed Claims “We. Are. Alive.”

Sony Liverpool was shut down last month and, with it, an allegedly in development Wipeout game for the PlayStation 4. With no news on the Wipeout franchise or the rights or any such like with said closing, that sounded like that for the PlayStation institution. We were faced with a world without Wipeout.

But, that might not be the end as the above tweet was sent out earlier today! The developer who sent the tweet has not been identified (and it has to have been a developer from Studio Liverpool because who else could access the account?) and Sony have yet to respond, but the mere tweet is intriguing. Sony had said that they would look at relocating staff from Studio Liverpool where possible, so this could mean that Wipeout most definitely is alive, just in the hands of another developer.

Time will tell. For now, though, fellow Wipeout fans, we have hope.

Via: Wipeout Twitter, CVG

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