Our Survival Horror Guru Jerry Heads To Raccoon City

As most of the gaming community knows Capcom was nice enough to grace us with a One-Shot Resident Evil 2 Demo over the weekend. I said I was going to wait the few days until the game released but I found myself wanting to play on my day off. So I downloaded the Demo, and decided to stream my reactions to this one time I can play the Demo. Please note this video has graphic violence and my commentary which contains some swear words. Enjoy.

How far did you get in the demo, I obviously didn’t beat it because I wanted to look around the station for little nods to other games and such. Keep in mind you do only have thirty minutes of play time, whether you beat the area or not is up to you, but man I cannot wait to play this game! What are your thoughts, let me know in the comments or on Twitter, @SuperJerry13.

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