Pac-Man Returning To Consoles This Fall

When you ask someone, gamer or not, what first springs into their mind when you say the words “Pac-Man”, you could bet your life savings that they will immediately think of the arcade title, travelling through a maze whilst avoiding ghosts (or eating them) and collecting yellow dots. The chances of them remembering some of Pac-Man’s 3D adventures is… unlikely.

So with this in mind, it may confuse you to learn that Namco Bandai have announced a new video game featuring Pac-Man will be coming to stores this Fall under the name of “Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures”. This title will be based around the upcoming Disney XD show of the same name (yes, Pac-Man is getting a cartoon series, but that’s another opinion story for my fellow Bagogames writers).

The game will be coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the Wii U later this year in addition to a side-scrolling version being developed for the Nintendo 3DS. The game itself will focus on the Pac-World which is traditionally a place of peace until the Netherworld ghosts arrived and threw it into chaos. This causes you, the player, to take control of Pac-Man and defeat the ghosts and their evil Betrayus leader.

Will you be picking up Pac-Man later this year?

[Source: GameSpot]

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