PAX East 2014: New Gaming Festival PAX South Revealed For January 2015

At this year’s Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East, Penny Arcade co-founders Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik announced that their newest festival will be called PAX South 2015. The Expo will be held in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio and will take place from January 23-25 next year.

Since the first Penny Arcade Expo in 2004, the brand has grown at a phenomenal rate. PAX Prime in Seattle has seen attendance almost double every year and in 2011 over 70,000 people attended the event. PAX East in Boston was first held in 2010 and last year saw the first ever non-US event when PAX Australia was held in Melbourne. Whilst it is certainly nice to see PAX South being announced, this new festival isn’t too helpful for me as a UK resident. Hopefully we will see a PAX Europe being announced in the not too distant future

Via Polygon

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