PAX East 2014: Titanfall’s First DLC Will Be Called Expedition

A 2 vs 2 Titan mode will be released as a free update

At their PAX East Panel Respawn Entertainment announced the first DLC for their debut title, Titanfall. Expedition will take place after the main campaign and will introduce 3 new maps. Swampland will be great for wall running with lots of trees and zip lines, Runoff will feature lots of pipes and water and Wargames will be based on a training simulator. The DLC will be a part of Titanfall’s $25 Season Pass but will cost around $10 to purchase by itself.

For those who don’t like DLC, Respawn have also announced that they will be providing plenty of free content along side Expedition. This will include the Wingman LTS mode which is a special 2 vs. 2 version of Last Titan Standing. More burn cards, greater customisation, daily challenges and competitive rankings could also be coming to the game free of charge.

Expedition will be launching sometime in May, with at least 2 more expansions to follow afterwards. You can check out what we thought of Titanfall right here.

Via Gametrailers

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