PAX Prime 2014: Games from The Academy of Interactive Entertainment

The Academy of Interactive Entertainment has it roots firmly planted in Australia but over the course of time some other US cities are becoming homes to this college institution.

When we got the call to talk to some of the students, play their games, and then report on them, it seemed like a win-win situation for all those involved. There are many games at PAX Prime 2014 which are part of The Academy of Interactive Entertainment booth. Below is a small sampling of the games we got to play on Day Two of PAX Prime.

Light in the Dark – iOS/Android
Dev: DreamGate Studios

Light in the Dark is a unique mobile title being developed by DreamGate Studios. Players will play the role of Totems who are trying to locate their lost children. To solve puzzles, you must blend colors and bend light. How you achieve that is by moving elements on the screen, which consist of boxes, lenses, and mirrors.

The game is currently available for iOS devices and on September 15 it will be released for Windows and Android. There will be 120 levels at launch, with another free expansion pack coming which should deliver another 70-130 levels. Pricing will be between $2.00 and $2.49.

Orbitor – PC
Dev: Evil Aliens

Having already been greenlit on Steam Greenlight, Orbitor is space orbiting game where players will travel through the nebular. Steering mechanics are just like if you were driving a car, meaning the left and right sticks will be used to move your craft in those directions. Players will also be able to boost and by holding down the right bumper, you can slow down your ship to turn on a dime.

Other features include an achievements, open level selection, and dynamic levels to ensure each play-through is a unique experience. Currently, you can download their demo and you can sign up for a Beta as well.

Ricochet Rescue – iOS/Android
Dev: DapperDingo

The quick backstory on this game is that the main character, a dog, is trying to save all the animals from the clutches of the evil cat. In order to pull off this task, players will launch arrows to burst the bubbles in which these animals are trapped. The trajectory can be raised and lowered as well as angled left to right. Players will then select between three different types of bricks, which when struck will cause the arrow to move differently. When released, Ricochet Rescue will ship with 25 levels. The game also features a level creating system.

Stormworm – iOS/Android
Dev: Stormworm

This Aussie team has been inspired to re-make the retro game Snake. The game is now in 3D and players can slither around the planets collecting cubes to increase their size while avoiding their tale. Touch the latter and game is over for you.

Currently, the game is available for $1.99 on the Google Play store. The game ships with three modes, achievements, and various unlockable skins.

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