PlayStation 4 To Offer Various Levels Of Membership?

President of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, has gone on record by telling The Guardian (A UK tabloid) that the next PlayStation, the PlayStation 4, could offer multiple subscription levels to users. If this sounds similar to Microsoft’s Xbox Live subscription model then hold onto your hat because Sony might be considering in implementing a similar thing if this report is to be believed.

In the article, Shuhei Yoshida tells the Guardian:

“As more and more services and contents become available digitally, we’ll have more of an option to create attractive packages. So hypothetically we can look at different models–like a cable TV company. We could have gold, silver or platinum levels of membership, something like that. We can do subscription services when we have more content–especially now that we have the Gaikai technology available. With one subscription you have access to thousands of games–that’s our dream.”

Whilst it does raise a few eyebrows that Sony would consider a ‘chargeable’ membership similar to Xbox Live, the prospect of having access to “thousands of games” does sound a lot more promising than what Microsoft are currently offering…

What do you all think?

[Source: The Guardian via Game Spot]

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