PlayStation Plus Perks Are Mounting Up

So E3 has come and gone and now we have our chance to dive into Sony’s new PlayStation Plus Perks. A lot of people still need it explained and that’s no problem cause we got a few quotes from Senior Director of PlayStation Digital Platforms Jack Buser to tell us what is what.

“Everything that you’ve enjoyed from PlayStation Plus remains very much the same. It’s still the same PlayStation Plus,”

Jack also went on to say:

“So if you love the huge discounts, if you love the exclusive access to betas, if you love the other things that are also delivered by the service, you’re going to see that those other things are still a part of PlayStation Plus — the cloud saves, the automatic updates, all that other stuff.”

And Finally:

What we’ve announced is that we’re amplifying the free games aspect of PlayStation Plus,” he said. “We are really ratcheting that up, because that’s what the community told us they wanted to see.

So there you have it guys. PlayStation Plus hasn’t change from what it was, it’s only just gotten better. I know a lot of you will ask the question “ya but once my subscription expires, I cant play the games anymore even though the are still on my hard drive.”

Well what i say to you is, how come when your Netflix subscription expires why can’t you watch all the movies that you have seen on it. Why is it when your gym membership runs out you can’t keep jumping into the pool. Cause you’re no longer a member.

PlayStation Plus shows your dedication to Sony’s hardware and software. It shows your commitment to what they have to offer. So when you’re no longer apart of that, why should they offer you that service anymore?

So that’s my take on it guys, but I’m very interested in hearing what you all have to say on it. Let us know in the comment section below.

(VIA Joystiq)


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