Playstation Store Update Hitting Rough Patches

Sony’s new Playstation Store overhaul went live in Europe today, but unfortunately it didn’t take long for the problems to start piling up. The main problems seem to be issues with adding funds to your wallet, and slow loading of pages. While not everyone is experiencing these issues, there are enough complaints to where Sony had to address the issue.

“The speed will improve greatly over the next 24 hours or so as launch day creases are ironed out,” Sony said on their Twitter. “For anyone having trouble adding funds to your wallet on the new Store – apologies, this issue will be fixed in the next couple of hours.”

Hopefully Sony is able to get all these issues worked out by the end of the day so things can go back to business as usual. Here’s to hoping the update doesn’t have the same problems when it is released in North America on October 23.

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