Next PlayStation and Xbox Are Expected to Launch at $400

The next-gen systems from Microsoft and Sony still have a little ways to go before being officially announced, but thanks to their time spent at CES this year, Baird Equity Research has made a few predictions about the systems. Specifically about their price, launch windows and what will make up the guts of the hardware, as reported by GamesIndustry International.

For the information we always seem to to have to wait on, like release dates and pricing, Baird Equity Research believes that both systems will launch between $350 and $400, with the next PlayStation launching in October and the Xbox in November. It should be noted that Baird’s Colin Sebastian warned of early production problems for the PlayStation console, but specific reasons why this would happen weren’t given.

Meanwhile, high end PC components will be utilized in both systems, a mix between physical and digital distribution models will be present and voice controls, motion controls and multi-media will be enhanced.

“Moreover, a PC-based architecture (Intel chips in the case of Xbox) should have a number of advantages over custom-developed silicon: for one, the learning curve for software developers will be shorter than completely new technology. Second, the cost of production and retail price points should be lower than prior console launches.”

This all still comes down to us waiting for E3 this June, which may occur after Sony and Microsoft announce their respective systems, but it appears that this E3 will be quite a thing to see.

“Given the fragile state of the console game market, we expect the E3 trade show in June will take on added significance, most likely providing the industry with the first public opportunity to examine next-generation hardware,” said Sebastian.

{Source: GamesIndustry International}

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