Pokémon Go: 5 Benefits of Being A Trainer

Some folks may be giving Pokémon Go a bad name for all of the potential dangers it has stirred up. But it would be unfair to only focus on the bad, when there is so much good offered by Niantic’s new mobile game. While they may not be huge or world changing, they could change some people’s lives. Gamers aren’t really known for leaving their house or being the most social at work parties, but Pokémon Go may be just what the gaming crowd needs. Here are five benefits of being a Pokémon trainer.

5) Be engrossed with nostalgia

(Pokémon Ruby, Nintendo)

The vast majority of Pokémon Go players grew up playing the original series and are enjoying the nostalgia of returning to a beloved world from their childhood. I was 18 when Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow hit the states and I began my quest to play them all. It wasn’t until my early 30’s that I finally beat Pokémon Red, so my nostalgia is a bit different from most. I remember working at Kay-Bee Toys when the craze began—I couldn’t stock the toys fast enough and the cards were always sold out the first day we received them. Is It Safe to Buy Pokémon Cards From StockX? – Click here to find out. Being a curious teenager, I decided to watch the show on television after classes (luckily it aired just before Batman: The Animated Series). I fell in love with the show, but never had the funds for the card game, and my Game Boy was packed up all the way in Arizona. I also love collecting Pokemon cards. My memories are drawn from my enjoyment of the show and my exciting years in college. I’m sure other players will each have their own fond memories of the IP. One of my prized possessions is my Card Display Case, where I carefully showcase my favorite Pokemon cards.

4) Attempt to use up all the unlimited data

(Pokémon – The Pokémon Company International)

Some lucky folks have an unlimited supply of data, and they can use this new Pokémon hobby to finally stick it to the man and use up as much data as they please. I don’t have unlimited data—mine is pre-pay as you go—so I have to be careful where I wander when I’m hunting Pokémon. Generally I luck out, and PokeStops with Lures are within range of  Wi-Fi. However, sometimes a gym is out in the middle of nowhere, forcing me to use my precious data. I must be stingy, but I know there are Trainers out there with unlimited data, and I hope they’re using it all up, just for me.

3) See new places

(Pokémon – The Pokémon Company International)

I’ve seen a lot of the town that I live in, but I’ve been seeing more of it recently. Usually I would I get off of work and zip right home. Since Pokémon Go,  I’ve been seeking out PokeStops with Lures. Thankfully I haven’t wandered into any shady areas: I try to search during the day. When the weather cools in Arizona, I plan to do some hiking to find some rarer Pokémon out in the wild. I’ve never been this excited to explore a lifeless desert like Arizona.

2) Meet new people

(Pokémon – The Pokémon Company International)

It’s pretty nice meeting people who have the same passion for catching Pokémon, and it is even nicer since a majority of them are also avid gamers. I enjoy meeting strangers, who, like me, probably never leave for anything but food. If there is a Lure in a PokeStop, you’re bound to meet quite a lot of people over that half hour. If they’re Training solo like I usually do,  you’ll likely strike up a conversation with them—it’s always great to make new friends. While I’ve never made a best bud or met the girl of my dreams, it remains to be seen where my journey as a Trainer will take me. Pokémon Go is bringing people together, and I really love it for that.

1) Exercise

(Pokémon – The Pokémon Company International)

I’ve been playing Pokémon Go since it was released, and I can already feel some of pounds coming off me. I’ve always been a bit of a chunker, and losing weight has never been easy for me. Pokémon Go gives me an excuse to get more physical without the mental trauma of a gym. I already walk a lot due to my job, but I’ve been walking more to force my in-game eggs to hatch. So far out of three eggs, two have hatched some pretty nice Pokémon. I know that as the  heat of the summer continues and I trudge along with it, I’m going to have some nice leg muscles and more stamina. I’m glad that Niantic got me and many other shut-in gamers out into the world. Next step, those gamers take over that world. Muahahahaha!

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