All the Pokémon X and Y You Need is in This Overview Trailer

October can’t come fast enough and unleash the new beasts that are Pokémon X and Y. I’m in dire need of a new 3DS game to play and I want another Pikachu in my life. Come on, October, hurry it up!

As if I wasn’t excited enough for these games, a new Japanese trailer had to come out and just rub it in. Most of the trailer for Pokémon X and Y don’t go on fortoo long, but this one is almost four minutes in length. Fortunately, it’s a good four minutes full of Pokémon goodness; like horde battles, more Mega-Evolutions, character customization and just good ol’ gameplay.

Also, a Pikachu was caught. This is the best trailer ever.

Pokémon X and Y release worldwide on October 12th.

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