Pound Technology PS2/PS1 HDMI Cable Review

As most of you know, I love my older games and my older systems. But, as technology has changed it has become more and more difficult to attach A/V cables to a flat screen television. Out of the 4 flat screen tvs I have only two have a designated A/V port, the rest have a Component port that can be “used” as an A/V port. Those have never worked for me, they seem to switch between A/V and Component and all the colors are wrong and it’s just a pain in my flat ass. For years I was relegated to having all 8 retro systems on one television, first-world problems, I know. However, with Pound Technology surprising me every few months with a new Retro Cable, it is getting easier and easier for me to connect my older consoles to bigger and more advanced televisions.

I received my HDMI cord from Limited Run Games and I was not disappointed. The box came perfect, the cord was clean and not frayed and everything fit snugly into the PlayStation 2. I was using a Component Cable that I had purchased a several months back, but it always made me nervous. The cable fit into the PlayStation 2 so tight that I was always worried I was going to rip out something important when I removed it. The Pound Cable slid in nice and smooth and I don’t worry about that PlayStation 2 port anymore. This Pound Cable needs to have power, which may actually make it superior to the OG Xbox and Dreamcast cables that they sell as well. You can plus the power cable right into your PlayStation 2; the only downside to this is the fact that you have a 4 foot or so cable to wrap around somewhere. I wrapped mine around the base of the PlayStation 2, it isn’t in the way yet so hopefully it’ll stay like that.

(Brave Fencer Musashi – Squaresoft – using Pound Cable)

At first I was worried when I fired up the PlayStation 2 with the cord; the whole screen was green and I almost panicked. Then I realized I needed to change the output in the System Configuration, so I took it off Component and changed it to RGB. Once I did that, I was simply amazed at how the stupid menu screen looked! Those cubes in the menu have never looked so crisp and clear! Onimusha: Warlords was already in my disc tray so I frantically pressed the eject button to the return the disc into the system. I have never seen the Capcom logo so beautifully across my television screen from the PlayStation 2. After watching the opening cut-scene of Onimusha I knew that I had spent my thirty dollars wisely. I know that I’ve only just scratched the surface with the amazing PlayStation 2 library. On my next couple days off I will definitely be browsing through my collection to see what games will look the best with this new cable. Grab this thing Retro Lovers, you will not be disappointed.

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