Project Copernicus Gets First Trailer

The developer behind Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, 38 Studios, has released the first trailer for their upcoming MMO known as Project Copernicus.

The MMO takes place in the same realm as Reckoning and is scheduled for a June 2013 release. That is if 38 Studios solve their current financial woes.

The company failed to pay employees, as well as making a payment on a state funded loan to Rhode Island. The developer did pay the state $1.125 million towards the loan, but who knows what the future holds for the studio.

28 Studios has a payment schedule that calls for another $2.6 million in November and $12.6 million in 2013.

Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee said that the state of Rhode Island is not going to give the studio any more “easy money.” This means the studio will have to find private funding if it hopes to stay afloat.

(Via CVG)

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