ProSteer Kickstarter Coming By BoxDark Industries

Box Dark Industries, located in Brisbane Australia, has announced a new racing controller for Android and PC. The ProSteer launched today on Kickstarter and is the first of its type. This is the “first handheld analog steering controller.” To quote the press release from today,

“ProSteer uses patent-pending Boxed Arc Technology to provide true analog steering that allows the driver’s hands to rotate around a virtual central axel. The 80 degrees of turn around that axel replicates the path of a small steering wheel, eliminating the need for large, expensive racing wheel setups. Removing the fixed point needed in other steering controllers, ProSteer’s centralizing torque feature gives a realistic, true steering experience from the comfort of a favorite chair or sofa. “

In layman’s terms this little controller will take the place of the giant ones we have grown accustom to. This smaller peripheral will allow you the same, if not better steering accuracy for you in the comfort of your own home.

You won’t have to turn as hard and it won’t have to be corded to anything, which is the real boon. Today’s gamers are somewhat spoiled with cordless everything, I mean even I was aghast when my Nintendo Mini’s came with corded controllers.

The Prosteer will be the first handheld analog steering controller…

The Kickstarter began on August 20, so if you’re looking to PC race into the future then I would suggest dropping the $99 as one of the first to back the controller. You can do that here for the ProSteer.

The Prosteer steering wheel will work with PC and Android based devices.

Are you looking forward to a more precise racing controller? Does this change PC racing games for the better?

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