PSN DLC Now In GameStop Stores

Yep that’s right. You will no longer have to go onto PSN to purchase your downloadable content. You can hop on your bike and peddle like a lunatic down to your local store and pick up the latest Call Of Duty Map Packs or your Batman Arkham City’s.

This service will be available across 1,600 GameStop outlets which include Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You will now have the option of purchasing game dlc in store.

This is a good move by Sony and probably came about due to the lack of users after the PSN hack on there online Store back in April of last year. You cant keep a community happy if they don’t feel safe. Game cards will help with that, no credit card information will be needed for this.

So what do you think viewers? Is this a great service that will work out well for retailers and Sony? Or is this something that should have been made possible back in the console’s year of release. Let us know if you plan on purchasing your DLC in retailers with a comment below.

(VIA PushSquare, Joystiq)

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