PUBG Gets New Update On PC, Patch Notes Released

PUBG has gotten a new update for PC. The developers have also released the update’s patch notes. So far, the game has received a lot of patches. However, there are a few that might irk players. With this new update:

Anti-Cheat Tech

In addition to the anti-cheat tech, performance has been improved. According to the patch notes, the anti-cheat tech is “currently only on the test servers [until] additional testing is complete.” The rendering of character models have been updated to prevent frame drops. Character movement and animations while skydiving have been optimized to increase framerate.

You can read the full patch notes here. However, this isn’t the only time the game has been in the news this week.

PUBG Vs Fortnite

The PUBG developer is currently suing Fortnite developer Epic Games. According to reports, this is down to Epic Games using PUBG‘s name when promoting Fortnite, without the former’s permission or knowledge. They’re also suing for copyright infringement. A representative said about the lawsuit:

We just want to emphasize this is only a problem because Epic Games is the company that makes the engine we use and we pay a large amount of royalties to them. And we had this business relationship and we had trust that we would be getting continued support, and we were looking forward to working more closely with them to get technical support, maybe develop new features.”

The case is still ongoing. We’ll keep you updated as we can.

Source: PUBG Blog.

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