Quantic Dream to Unveil New Title at E3

The developer of the tear inducing, emotional roller coaster that was Heavy Rain is set to unveil a new game being worked upon, at E3. Quantic Dream’s founder, David Cage, will speak at Sony’s press conference to reveal the title. Apparently Quantic Dream is developing two titles at the moment but there were no specific detail on which platforms those titles would be developed for.

Given the critical acclaim Heavy Rain received, this is set to be a big boost for Sony’s conference. Cage hopes to include new technology to advance details within the title, when he stated “There were so many things we couldn’t do with our Heavy Rain engine, so we decided to build a new one”. Earlier this year, QD released the stunning and moving trailer, Kara, to demonstrate the technology. The seven minute short revolved around an android slowly morphing into more of a conscious being. The emotional trailer, which left many sniffling, was very well received.

Hurry up and get here, E3.

(Via CVG)

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