Rabbit Story developed by Viacheslav Bushuev is an unassuming drama that dives into human emotions and faults. Playable through Steam on both Apple and Window systems, this game offers plenty to think about. As charming as the characters are in this game, their soft demeanor hides the emotional fears humans face in relationships. Surprisingly, this psychological drama is insightful. Players will remember some of their own relationship problems as they control the main character- Rabbit. Rabbit forgets about his friend’s birthday (accidentally of course) and must deal with the problems that arise from this incident. As adorable as the characters are in this game, the narrative becomes a bit dark as you the player begins to question Rabbit’s intentions.
After realizing his girlfriend Kitty has left, Rabbit sets out to find a present and seek redemption. Yet, Rabbit ends up befriending someone new. Doggy and Rabbit set out on an adventure of their own to explore old ruins. Soon Kitty comes back and Rabbit is faced with the guilt of becoming friends with a stranger after giving up the search for Kitty. The story dives deeper and deeper into the concept of relationship problems. It is a tale that speaks to every human being because each of us has experienced friendship and relationship issues over the course of our lives. As the player progresses in the story, they learn more about the problem between Rabbit and Kitty in addition to thinking about their own real-life relationship troubles.
The entire game is separated into episodes. Each episode contains hidden carrots. If you find all the carrots throughout Rabbit’s journey you will gain access to a secret episode. It certainly adds a bit of extra fun to this title. Despite the secret episode, the game as a whole feels extremely short. Players can complete the entire game in one sitting and unless you desire to there is little reason to replay the game. Unfortunately it is pricey for the gameplay offered. Currently on Steam it is listed at $8.99 USD. Even with the secret episode, players will not find it difficult to run through the game quickly.
The graphics are pleasing to see while experiencing the story. The grass and tress of the forest look as though they were animated to appear as paper. The paper texture gives the game a nostalgic story-book feel. Characters are simple and adorably designed with their own charm to match their personalities. The only control the player has at their dispose is the click of their mouse. Having only one control forces the player to pay attention to the narrative itself instead of worrying about mastering the controls.
Rabbit Story is a game that will be remembered all because it makes the player think through their personal relationships between family and friends. It questions not only your own decisions but the choices of others as well. Each person who decides to play this game will be faced to either sympathize or disprove of Rabbit’s choices in life. The purpose of this game’s existence is not necessarily intended to be mere entertainment. Rather, Rabbit Story was created to serve as a reminder that being kind and caring is what humans need and want the most.
A Steam Key for Rabbit Story was provided by Viacheslav Bushuev for the purpose of this review.