Red Fly Trying to Resurrect Cancelled Darth Maul Title

Darth Maul

Game Informer covered in exhaustive detail a Darth Maul game that was cancelled as LucasArts dissolved and the Star Wars franchise was about to be sold to Disney. The coming-of-age tale for the Sith lord might return in the future according to an AMA on Reddit that was done by Red Fly Studio CEO, Dan Borth. The game was cancelled back in June of 2011 after LucasArts pulled funding for the IP.

We have been burning a candle for this game since it was killed in hopes we can get it turned back on again. IF that is to happen we need to approach EA with a demo that will impress them. I think we have that or are close to it. Still it is completely not up to us.
– Dan Borth, Red Fly CEO

The Reddit AMA consists of a few details of the game’s intended story, specifically the time-span they are aiming for at Red Fly. Taking place when Maul is much younger, the game leads up to Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace and showcase how the decisions that brought him into becoming a Sith lord were decisions that any player would have made if in the same position. Borth also states that when the game was pulled from development, the team at Red Fly “had really only started to get [their] footing”.

Other juicy tidbits come in the form of how the combat was being handled. It seemed that the game was going to have a system akin to the Arkham series of games, with less fighting of Jedis than you’d expect. The approach taken towards fights with Jedis is that they need to be named, given backstory, and a reason for Maul to kill them and possibly reveal his presence. It’s a stealth-like approach without having to use any actual stealth gameplay.

Because of the fact that it is a Star Wars game it seems that Dan and the team can’t go to crowdfunding campaigns just yet to prove that interest for their game is there, but it looks like they really have not given up on the IP four years later.

Source: Reddit AMA

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