République Coming to PS4 and Retailers in 2016

GungHo Online Entertainment America has announced that they are partnering with Atlus U.S.A., Inc. for a North American distribution deal on the PlayStation 4 for the acclaimed episodic stealth action game, République.

République was previously released for PC and mobile devices, and now PS4 users will be able to purchase all five episodes in a package purchase when the game releases in early 2016 on the PlayStation Store, as well as participating retailers in North America. The estimated price upon release is expected to be $24.99 in the US and $34.99 in Canada.

Vice president for sales and marketing for Atlus, U.S.A. is very eager about the partnership, saying: “With nearly a quarter-century of experience working with retailers to bring games to the masses, we are eager to lend that expertise to République and Gungho Online Entertainment America. The mystery and excitement in the stealth gameplay of République is so unique, we’re certain that gamers would love to have a physical copy in their collection, and we’re honored to be able to bring it to them.”

[République, Camouflaj]
In République, the player receives a call for help from a young girl named Hope. Hope is trapped in a totalitarian state, which ironically works in the player’s favor as they are able to hack into the myriad of cameras and serve as Hope’s eyes and ears to help her escape.

[République, Camouflaj]
République was made by industry veterans from games such as Metal Gear Solid, Halo, and F.E.A.R., and the story is brought to life through voice work from voice-acting veterans such as Jennifer Hale, David Hayter, Dwight Schultz, Matthew Mercer, etc.

The game also features strategic puzzles and strategies to navigate Hope through all five episodes and has been fully translated in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese.

You can find out more about the game on the official website.

Trailer via Camouflaj LLC, YouTube

Source via GungHo Online Entertainment America Pres Release

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