Retro Video Game ROMs – A Way to Success


In 1996, owing to the efforts of an experienced gaming giant Nintendo, the industry of gaming saw a 64-bit game console emerge with a straightforward title Nintendo 64. Although the name was simple enough, it was regularly referred to as the N64 or even a more original variant – the Ultra 64.

The first time it appeared on the continents of Eurasia and North America, the console quickly found fans and gave Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation a run for it’s money. Within 2 years of its existence, the N64 fell behind to second position in the market of gaming consoles, losing the first real console war, and seeding primacy to the Sony PlayStation. Nintendo 64 attracted the attention of gamers and garnered fans due its “innovations” in three-dimensional graphics, smoothing textures, MIP-mapping, and many other crisp features not seen in a console before.  The Ultra 64 demonstrated its strength with the world wide hit – Super Mario 64, which became one of the best selling games in the USA, Japan, and Europe. It was the first real and immersive 3D-platformer, which attracted users with its 3-dimensional polygonal model (the ability to move heroes in any direction) and a lot of space to explore and study in 3D glory. By the way, many of these old-school classics from Nintendo, SEGA, and PlayStation can be played today but on modern devices. These game ROM’s can be easily downloaded from – a platform offering a wide collection of gaming products.

In 1998 Nintendo wowed the world with new N64 games like Wave Race 64, Mario Star Fox 64, Diddy Kong Racing and other ROMS. In the same year, under the guidance of Shigeru Miyamoto, the world renowned game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time proved to be a worthy bedfellow to Super Mario 64 in popularity and success. The game would go on to sale millions of cartridges and be praised from professional critics around the world.

Super Mario 64 really took the cake when it comes to popularity for the Nintendo 64. When you think N64, you think Mario and how both redefined each other. It received a myriad of positive reviews, has millions of fans around the world, won dozens of awards and titles, and was entered in the Guinness Book of Records in 2008, solidifying Mario as the most prolific game character in world history.

This ROM video game was the brainchild of Shigeru Miyamoto – the famous gaming developer accounting for some of the most popular games of all time. The game begins with the kidnapping of Princess Peach. Her rescue is anything but simple, and takes the player through a series of levels and challenges to finally rescue her. The game fascinates with its visuals, mechanics and riveting story line.

Nowadays, owing to modern techniques, its possible for users to have all their favorite ROMs from the past downloaded and running smoothly on any PC and mobile device. It is not always necessary to use an emulator either with popular services like Rom Mania.

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