Reward for One Million Coins in New Super Mario Bros. 2

Ever wonder what would happen if you acquired 1,000,000 coins in the newly released Super Mario Bros. 2? Thanks to this video from YouTube member NiNTENDOMiNATi0N you can see without having to go through the long, grueling process yourself.

SPOILERS!!! (This probably goes without saying but just in case.)

Congratulations! You just wasted countless hours of your life to get a text box and a new load screen! After watching this I was a little let down but maybe some people are still up for the challenge. If you are, the people over at Official Nintendo Magazine have a few tips for you dedicated souls.

If you want to see the game in action make sure to head over to our gameplay video. Super Mario Bros. 2 comes out in the U.S. this Sunday the 19th; make sure to pick up a copy and help our plunger-wielding hero fight the recession.


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