Risk of Rain Arrives on PS4 and Vita This Year

Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain was released back in 2013 for PC by Hopoo Games and was met with critical acclaim. Funded through Kickstarter, the game will now make its way onto PlayStation 4 and Vita in early 2016. Along with this release will be some unique features specifically made to make the console experience more stream-lined and multiplayer-centric.

The biggest feature to be implemented that makes playing multiplayer for Risk of Rain a lot less painful than it was with the PC version is that it now supports matchmaking. Instead of having to input an IP address or do any port forwarding, you can now be placed into a lobby with other players with ease. This is but one of the many new features added to help encourage online play.

The game also features the ability to play with a friend on your couch, as well as online at the same time. Two people can share the same machine, while also being online with two other people. Additionally, cross-platform support has been added, which will make it so players can start a lobby with Vita and PS4 owners, regardless of which platform they’re on.

If you are not already aware of what Risk of Rain is, you can watch the gameplay trailer above to familiarize yourself with the game. It is very much a game focused on survival and revels in its permanent death feature. A Vita released had been confirmed back in 2014, but little was said about it and no release date had been given until now.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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