Rumour: 2K Australia Developing A ”Pre-Sequel” to Borderlands

The good folks over at Game Point Now, have seemingly got their hands on some new information about the future of the Borderlands franchise. We already know that Telltale are working on a spin off entitled Tales From The Borderlands but apparently a more traditional Borderlands experience is also in the works, a Pre-Sequel. However, the President and CEO of Gearbox Software, Randy Pitchford, recently confirmed that his team ”are not working on Borderlands 3”. Speaking to Polygon he stated that,

We love Borderlands, and we know customers do too. So we will be doing more in Borderlands. But the thing that, when you think of what Borderlands 3 should be… No. We are not developing that right now. We don’t know what that is yet. We can imagine what it must achieve, but we don’t know what it is yet. I’m not going to fuck around with you like Valve does with Half-Life 3. Look. We know we want it and we know it should exist, but we don’t know what it is yet.

Yet despite this strong denial that Gearbox is working on Borderlands itself, Randy did go on to confirm that ”We are doing things in Borderlands that we’ll announce soon, that are good, and that I think people will be really excited about if you love the franchise.” According to the rumour, one of these ”things” will be a game called Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! which is to be developed by 2K Australia for PS3, 360 and PC.

According to their sources, the game will be set on Pandora’s moon Elpis and take place between the first two games. As usual players will have a choice of four different characters to choose from: Athena The Gladiator, Wilhelm The Enforcer, Nisha The Lawbringer and Fragtrap. Fans of the franchise will recognise Wilhelm as a boss from Bordelands 2 and Athena from the General Knox DLC. Apparently the 4 characters are working for a programmer called John, who will eventually become Handsome Jack.

Apart from 4 new playable characters this game will also add 2 new types of guns. The inclusion of Laser weaponry should be a lot of fun as should the new Cyro guns which can be used to freeze enemies. The game is also said to take advantage of its new moon setting, with lower gravity changing how players move about the world and also allowing for the addition of jetpacks. The sources further claim that this title will have a new gameplay mechanic which requires players to manage their oxygen levels with lootable OX – Kits.

As with all rumours, take this with a grain of salt but make sure to check back with BagoGames and we’ll keep you updated as this story develops.


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