In this article, we will be providing a comprehensive look into all of the important factors that need to be considered before you make a final decision on which gaming chair to choose.
We know a bit about gaming chairs but brought some outside assistance in from Saint Review. These guys have reviewed thousands of items in their time including their fair share of gaming chairs and as such know a thing or two about them. They aided us in creating the content here and their knowledge was very much appreciated.
Where to Start
First, decide which type of chair you want. If we’re going to spend most of your time sitting around, why not sit in a chair that offers a sleek style, comfort support and durability? APOL offers a stylish chair for any rooms in your home to spice up your working space with the perfect accent piece, more details on their Kraken Chair explained here. The kinds of chairs you will want to consider range from high-end pedestal chairs to inexpensive inflatable ones. Let’s check out what is available:

Inflatable Chairs
When it comes inflatable furniture designed for adults, things have definitely changed. In the past, they were only used for pool parties, but today they are a serious budget option, and not only for gaming. Today’s products ranging from pull-out sofas to adult inflatable chairs to airbeds for children.
For gaming, one option is a lounge inflatable chair, as long as you don’t spend long hours sitting in front of your screen.
Rocker Chairs
This option is the most popular one since it represents the sweet spot between value for your money and comfort.
This kind of chair sits directly on the floor (it doesn’t have legs or a pedestal) and the best ones are equipped with such cool features as stereo inputs, wireless systems, speakers, and subwoofers. Obviously features will vary based on price. According to Saint Review the best gaming chair under $200 is going to offer different things to the best one for under $500 for example.
Usually, the padding on the chairs is memory foam or latex, with a leather finish.
Pedestal Chairs
This is similar to a rocker chair but it is mounted onto a pedestal. For those who like sitting a little higher, this is a good option.
They have many of the same features that rocker chairs have. Pedestal chairs are a gaming luxury and very attractive.
PC Chair
Initially, PC gaming chairs look like computer desk chairs. However, that is definitely not true. These chairs have been ergonomically adjusted so they fit a gamer’s needs.
They have extra padding added in all of the right places (arm, head, and lumbar area). They are also able to lean back up to a 180-degree angle – although we are not sure why anyone would want to be laying down in a PC chair. However, you will have to ask the companies that make these chairs that question.
They cost about the same amount that a rocker chair costs.
Racer Chairs
These chairs will mainly be the choice of those who like racing games. Rather than a gaming stick being used, with a racer chair, you sit on the wheel. The best of these chairs come with a gear stick and pedals. For racing buffs, it couldn’t be any better.
Comfort – ergonomics is key
Most chairs are comfortable when you just want to lounge. However, those who are passionate about gaming place ergonomics as a top priority suggest Saint Review. Ergonomics will depend on the individual. You should try sitting in a chair before buying it. That is why it is not the best idea to buy your gaming chair online.
Don’t pay for anything you don’t really need. We mentioned previously that there are PC chairs that actually recline all of the way down. However, can you imagine every using this feature? Keep things simple and your emotions under control. If you have a good sound system already, you don’t need to pay extra for subwoofers on a chair.
Awesomeness factor
This clashes a bit with the tip above, but we need to discuss it. If within your group of friends playing video games is really popular, then you will definitely be influenced by “the awesome factor” when it comes to getting a new gaming chair. It includes the features included and how the chair looks.
The tips here sometimes walk a fine line between these two but they can help you locate a product that will provide you with good value for your hard-earned money.
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