First Screenshots For PS3 Version Of FFXIV

In case you guys have forgotten, Square Enix is still working on a PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Don’t believe me? Well Square Enix has released some screenshots for it, but first a quick run-down on the user interface – which has been designed specifically for the PS3.

First off, there are 16 slots for the action bar; 8 for the L2 button and 8 for the R2 button. They are naturally cycled with a push of the corresponding button. Now each of the 8 slots are mapped to a button, the L2 slots correspond with the d-pad and the R2 slots with the face buttons. To add more depth, a total of 8 action bars can be cycled between each other by pressing both the L2 and R2 buttons.

Accompanying the screenshots are some nice pieces of concept art:




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