Because You Asked For It, Cat Frenzy is Coming to DSi!

If you ask anyone who owns a DSi “What is missing in your life?” you’d most likely hear them complain that they don’t have enough games which involve sliding rows of kittens around. Well, all that is about to change. Hang onto your hats lovers of all things adorable…. Cat Frenzy is comin to DSi!!!

According to developer Treyon’s website Cat Frenzy weaves the yarn (Get it? Yarn? Kittens like yarn?) about some unfortunate kittens who have become trapped in a well and it’s up to you, the player, to rescue them. Simple slide and match puzzle elements appply here as you move kittens around in an attempt to get a row of three or more identical cats. Apparently this rescues them from the well but according to the preview video it looks more like it blows them up. Maybe that’s how you rescue kittens out of a well, i don’t know.

Fans of games like Bejeweled or Tetris look like they’ll be right at home here and despite my sarcasm, it does look like it will be a fun and addictive time waster. This adorable title will only set you back 200 Nintendo DSi points and for that you get over 101 cute levels to fawn over. Cat Frenzy will be available for DSi Ware eshop on May 3rd in Europe and a North America release will not be far behind.

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