Some People Excel At Video Games, Some Don’t – Which One Are You?

Guide to Success as a Video Games Player

If you are a gaming enthusiast, you must have noticed that there have been a lot of improvements in the industry. The quality of video games increases every year, making it more enjoyable for people of all genders and age brackets. Nowadays, you can earn money playing video games, training others to perfect their gaming, creating gaming related content and many more like Pix Payment App for Games. However, you must have polished your skills to be more than just the average gamer, especially if you will be playing for money. This article provides some tips on how you can improve your gaming skills within a short time and start playing like a pro. Read on to learn more about video games. 

How to Get Better at Video Gaming

Whether you play games to make money or just for fun, there is always satisfaction in being the best you can be. The tips below will help you in video gaming. 

Be Patient

Patience is always necessary for anyone learning something new. Perfecting your skills game will require patience as you will be making mistakes and learning from them. No matter how good you are at video games, you cannot start a game and reach the top levels within a single day. You have to understand every scenario in the game, the opponents, common mistakes and the possible plays to beat average players. 

In addition to the information, you need to practise a lot to minimise the time you take to move levels. Remember, you have to beat other players at the same level as you if you want to improve your ratings. 

Find Time to Play

If finding time to play is not a challenge to you, it is easy to perfect your skills. However, there are people with busy schedules due to their job and family commitments. If you are in this lot, you have to find time to play several games every day. This means that you have to reorganise your time to save some hours for gaming. Below are some ways you can save some time from your busy day.

Increase Efficiency in Whatever You Do

Some of the activities that consume much of your time can take less time to complete if we do them better. For example, you can plan your daily routine and combine all the activities you can do simultaneously. For example, you can cook while cleaning the kitchen or do your school assignments when on your way home if you use public means. Washing every utensil you use in the kitchen will also save you from cleaning huge piles of dishes. Discover the benefits of owning the right cleaning appliance at

Cut Corners

You can also look at how you spend your day and come up with ways to save some time for gaming. For example, you can reduce your sleeping time by an hour if you sleep for more than eight hours and shop once a week if you visit the store every day. You can also do away with non-essential activities like watching TV or give them a specific day when you want to take a break from gaming. 

Set Your Goals

Once you have saved some time for gaming, you need to set up goals to focus on. You can set your goals weekly or monthly, depending on the stats provided by the game. If the game does not offer stats, you can use the leaderboard to determine where you want to be after a particular time.

Reasonable goals should always be smart (simple and easy to understand), measurable (You can measure your success) and achievable (your goals should be within the boundaries of the game). They should also be realistic (Set achievable goals) and time-bound (Your goals should have a time frame). For example, you can plan to move to the next level of a game within two days or less, depending on the game’s dynamics. 


Your gaming skills cannot improve if you don’t practise the new strategies you have learnt when playing the game. You can use unranked modes to practice before using the learned techniques in your ranked account. Other things to practice include predicting the opponent’s next move and coming up with a strategy to prevent them from outsmarting you. For example, a FIFA player can practise their defending or string strategy for a week and try using the skills when playing with an opponent once they have perfected them. 

Watch the Trends

Unlike traditional sports, ESports get regular updates and new features. This means that what is working today may be as effective in a few months. Therefore, video game players should stay updated about what the meta looks like and the direction it is taking, especially if you take long breaks for some games. Meta is a common word in gaming as it is used to describe the most effective way to play a game at a particular time.

Analyse Your Replays

You will only understand your progress by checking how you execute what you have learned when playing the game. You can do this by checking your replays to identify your weaknesses and strengths. Most gamers make the mistake of watching replays only when they lose a game and forget that analysing wins can help them identify the strategies that gave you a vantage position. While you may be aware of the tricks that you used, there must be something that was not planned and also contributed to your win. 

Compare Your Gaming with that of Pros

Since you wish to play like a pro, you have to check what they are doing and compare that with how you play video games. Analysing pros’ strategies is a way of learning new ways of executing mechanics and strategies, which will help you improve your gaming within a short time.

Most games have a platform where players can watch pro players’ games, or you can go directly to YouTube and search for their videos. The secret to learning from these videos is analysing a single aspect for every replay and practise it until you mastered it. Also, take some notes and go through them before your practice sessions. 

Play in a Team

Playing in a team is another thing you should consider when improving your gaming. Being part of a team will help you improve your communication, plus you will also learn new strategies from the other team members. Playing with different gamers will also help you understand the different gaming approaches by diverse gamers and learn how to play your best no matter who you are playing with. Some gamers are very aggressive, while others prefer a tactical approach. 

Additionally, it is important to play with players from all levels as it will help you identify the common mistakes at lower levels and try not to do them. On the other hand, you have to watch the higher-ranked players in your team and learn from them by asking questions about their mechanics. Playing as the highest-ranked player will also help you play your best due to the pressure.


The increasing numbers of video games players and opportunities available for gamers have increased the competition in the gaming world. This means that you must perfect your skills abd learn more about video games if you want to be at the top. Becoming a pro player is a continuous process that requires your total focus and a lot of learning. You have to improve your skills and practise learnt strategies by playing a lot, both individually and in a team. However, following the above tips can help you grow from a newbie video games player to a pro player within a short time. 

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