Sony Comments On PS4 Launch Price


Sony has recently made a hint towards what could very well become the PlayStation 4’s launch price, although they managed to do so without using a single number or currency.

This was when Michael Denny, Sony Worldwide Studios vice president, offered the comment to Edge by saying the following:
“I guess the first thing to say is that we listen and learn and take the judgement from every console launch we ever have and we have to be informed by what the strengths of our PlayStation 3 system have been, but also the challenges of that. There’s plenty of time, we’ve got lots of information yet to give out on PlayStation 4. The initial announcement phase that we’re in now is just to explain the vision to everybody. Part of that vision is we have created a console absolutely focused on gamers–and we want that to be gamers in the broadest sense as well. I think to some extent I can ask you to draw your own conclusions.”

By saying that the PlayStation 4 pricing will appeal to gamers “in the broadest sense” is the biggest hint we’ve had yet at a pricing confirmation to one of the next-generation consoles, excluding Wii U of course which retailed at £299.99 in the UK when it launched, although this was a figure set by retailers not Nintendo.

For comparison purposes, in America, the PS3 launched at $499 for the 20GB unit whilst the 60GB unit was priced at $599. If Sony have “listened and learned… from every console launch” could this be a sign that the next-generation PlayStation will not be as expensive?

[Source: Edge via Gamespot]

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