Sony Pre-TGS: Dragon Quest Heroes Brings The Franchise Back To PlayStation

The biggest news from Sony’s Pre-TGS conference was that the Dragon Quest series is returning to PlayStation after a 10 year hiatus. Dragon Quest Heroes may be a spin off but it’s still an incredibly important piece of software for the PlayStation 4. In many ways, the game is similar to Hyrule Warriors which released in Japan last month. Both games  are crossovers with Koei Techmo’s Dynasty Warriors franchise and both are being developed by Omega Force.

As Japan’s biggest RPG franchise, Dragon Quest has always been on the country’s most popular platforms. This has meant that for the last few years, Square Enix has been  mostly making Dragon Quest games for Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS and mobile, but not PlayStation 3 or PlayStaion Portable. The last major Dragon Quest game for a Sony console was Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King on PlayStation 2.

Dragon Quest Heroes will be released for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 next year. There will also be a special edition Dragon Quest PlayStation 4 available.

Via Eurogamer



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