Sony Wants ‘Notch’ to Be Their E3 Golden Boy

Markus ‘Notch’ Persson, the famed creator of major money maker sandbox game Minecraft, has received a special gift from Sony today.  Notch was gifted with a spanking new gold PlayStation 1 console as an E3 invite without power cords and the necessary video cables.  Perhaps Sony is sending Notch a message in the form of, “If you bring over Minecraft to us and help power us on then we’ll do the same for you.”  The only problem is that Microsoft has a solid contract and rights to the Minecraft dynasty and its very unlikely Notch or Microsoft would hand over the keys to the kingdom anytime soon.

Notch did make note of the transaction in a tweet which you can read below.  In the meantime its up to speculation if its possible Mojang and Sony may have made a deal under the table for something entirely new and refreshing.


{Source: CVG via Twitter}

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