Soul Sacrifice Coming to North America

Keiji Inafune, co-designer for Mega Man, has a new dark fantasy called Soul Sacrifice. Sony has confirmed that the game will indeed be released in North American for the PlayStation Vita. Inafune has admitted that he can be a little confusing when he is talking about the concept of this particular game.

The main concept of Soul Sacrifice is that the main character must “sacrifice” part of his body to gain more powerful magic. One example is ripping out his spine through his mouth to wield the power of Excalibur.

“What I wanted to illustrate in this game was a ‘reality blended into a fantasy world.’ The word ‘fantasy’ normally points to a story that is fictitious; however, with Soul Sacrifice I wanted to illustrate a ‘reality’ within a fantasy that wasn’t sugar-coated. It’s not about focusing on the strange, but to flip the commonly held concept of what a fantasy theme should be with the concept of ‘reality.’”

Look for more information about Soul Sacrifice on our coverage of E3.

(Via Kotaku)

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