Square Enix Honors David Bowie With Free Omikron: The Nomad Soul Download

Omikron: The Nomad Soul - David Bowie

David Bowie was an eccentric, unpredictable human being and that is just one of the reasons he was loved by many. He appeared in film and music, but few may remember his short stint in video games. Well, Square Enix is here to remind you that The Thin White Duke was very much in a video game and provided some of the soundtrack, as well. For a limited time, until January 22nd, 2016, users who log onto the Square Enix store and purchase Omikron: The Nomad Soul for PC with the coupon code ‘omikron’, will receive a digital copy of the game through Steam for free.

Published by Eidos Interactive, the game was originally released on PC and Dreamcast. It had been intended to be released on PlayStation and PlayStation 2 but did not sell well enough to warrant a port. As the first title developed by Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and the upcoming Detroit: Become Human), Omikron represents a lot of the weirdness that has both embodied Quantic Dream’s career as well as Bowie’s. It is both written and directed by David Cage, but with some of the story elements contributed by Bowie, himself.

Normally, Omikron: The Nomad Soul goes for $9.99 on the North American Square Enix store. Using the coupon ‘omikron’ gives you the opportunity to check out two eccentric minds coming together to create a weird adventure game.

Source: Square Enix Online Store

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