Star Trek Online Coming to PS4 and Xbox One

Star Trek Online was pretty famous in my mind as the game that offered a lifetime subscription and then eventually went free-to-play on PC. Well, that MMO is now making its way onto consoles to bring the power of the Star Trek universe to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. And yes, it will remain free-to-play. You can take a look at the game’s console announcement trailer above.

Changes made to the MMO were necessary ones to bring the game to consoles. For a genre that generally requires a lot of keyboard use and almost full-utilization of a keyboard, the obvious need was to tweak controls so it would work with a controller. It’s not really a surprise, but radial menus are used to help deal with some of the cumbersome hotkeys. The other change related to this was an overhaul of the user interface.

Naturally, bringing an older game like this to consoles will require some extra work in the graphics department, so an update to the previous lighting system has been put in place. The changes made to it will appear in the PC version later this year.

Star Trek Online will launch in the fall of this year for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Source: Star Trek Online News

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